
Virtual expos

Fourth scene
Fourth scene

Fourth scene from Wanted Woman.
In the photo you can see some of the sets, costumes and props used in this show.

With regard to the angel props, let's remember the words of Vítor Silva Tavares:
Sitting side by side, I approach Almada:

Master, I've been thinking about angels. And I don't see any of those children dressed up as angels in the processions, or those pictures of so-called saints in which we see angels. And he said nothing. I tried to see if he could tell me anything about the angels and nothing. And I insisted: I've thought about it. I've been thinking about it... He said: It's very simple. I'll tell you how it is. We're here. Suddenly he comes off the stage to the left and crosses the stage to the right. I looked and said: Ahhh! An angel! Do you understand? Yes: The Master is sitting here. Suddenly something comes out of the shelf on the left, crosses the stage, comes out of the shelf on the right. The Master looks at it and says: Ah! An angel! He said to me: See, you have understood!

Encouraged by this precious hint from Almada, I walked away with a big exclamation mark in my head and said: I'm fucked! Nothing comes out of it! This is even worse. Almada must be so surprised that he says: Ah! An angel! This is even worse! I spent a few days in agony, not knowing how to solve the problem of the angels. One day, I'm in Conde Barão and a man walks by selling crosses and coat hangers. Wrapped in rope, he was carrying a few hangers on his back. I looked up and there was the angel! 'Uhhh, buddy, how much is a coat hanger?' 'Five pennies. 'Now give me two or three hangers. 

I bought two or three hangers. In the meantime, rehearsals continued and the time was approaching when the dress rehearsal had to be done. The rest of the things were already done. But I was missing the angel. One evening, I take home some cardboard, glitter, glue, all that stuff. I use a piece of cardboard to make a cylinder and place it on the top of the cross. How to open it from the top: rip. This resulted in a baroque wig, full of curls. Two balls of blue silver paper and one ball of red silver paper: a mouth, two angelic eyes. An angel's head was already there: hair, eyes, mouth. Well done. 



© José Marques

Photograph kindly provided by Teresa Amado.