Archive: Almada Negreiros and Sarah Affonso
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This virtual archive begins with two important archives: those of Almada Negreiros (1893-1970), a versatile writer and artist, and of Sarah Affonso (1899-1983), his wife, a defining figure in modernist painting.
Archive: Fernando Pessoa - Literary Theory
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This digital edition of Fernando Pessoa’s texts deals with the set of writings of literary theory that are in the Portuguese author's Archive in the custody of the National Library of Portugal, with the reference E3. All facsimiles are accompanied by a paleographical transcription and a critical lesson. The numbering in square brackets that precedes each text corresponds to the cataloging number of the documents present in the Archive. Abbreviations are developed and lapses corrected.
Archive: Fernando Pessoa - English heteronyms
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This digital edition presents the transcription of the group of texts by English personalities invented by Fernando Pessoa that we gather here under the name of “English heteronyms”.
Archive: José Pacheco
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José Pacheco (1885-1934) was an architect and painter, and a central figure of the Orpheu generation. He created stage sets for theater, designed covers for important books, and, above all, he directed the magazine Contemporânea, perhaps the best example of modernist graphic art in Portugal. As part of his work with this magazine, he organized exhibitions, conferences and concerts. He was always a unifying and very active figure.
Archive: Mário de Sá-Carneiro
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The Virtual Archive of Mário de Sá-Carneiro (1890-1916), modernist poet, includes his correspondence, notebooks, manuscripts and published work during his lifetime. Most of these documents were gathered by François Castex, French intellectual, and are kept at the National Library of Portugal.
Also included here are letters sent by the author to his great friend Fernando Pessoa, kept in the E3 collection of the National Library.
Archive: José Coelho Pacheco
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The virtual archive of José Coelho Pacheco (1894-1951), important modernist and Orpheu poet, brings together an estate divided between Biblioteca Nacional and the family, and includes a link to the Arquivo Histórico Digital de Cascais.
Archive: Armando Côrtes-Rodrigues
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The Archive of Armando Côrtes-Rodrigues (1891-1971), a poet who contributed to both issues of the magazine Orpheu, also under the name of Violante de Cysneiros, contains his poetic and dramaturgical work, as well as cultural essays. The archive is kept at the Public Library and Regional Archive of Ponta Delgada.
Archive: Violante de Cysneiros
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The virtual archive of Violante de Cysneiros, a literary character created by Armando Cortês-Rodrigues, includes all of her works. The poems were published in Orpheu 2 and later in the magazine Tempo Presente, in the newspaper República, and in Cortês-Rodrigues' book Cantares da Noite, Seguidos de Poemas de Orpheu, where she is introduced as a "heteronym". In terms of prose, it consists of critiques, reviews and chronicles published in newspapers, especially O Autonómico and Actualidade. The archive also includes poems dedicated to her.
Archive: Ronald de Carvalho
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The virtual archive of Ronald de Carvalho (1893-1935), a Brazilian modernist poet associated with the magazine Orpheu, of which he was the first editor, brings together the author's extensive poetic works, as well as his correspondence, translations, and essays.