
Virtual expos

Censorship cuts
Censorship cuts

On page 1 of the typewritten script, you can see the first cut, made right at the beginning: "as naked as possible".

In the top right-hand corner: the registration number of the entry in the censorship services and the exemption stamp "from the payment of fees and stamp duty"; in the bottom right-hand corner: a stamp from the Inspecção dos Espectáculos (under the direct supervision of the Presidency of the Council), with the information to be filled in by the censor, title of the show (Wanted Woman); number (6163) and date of registration (23/8/960); date the text was censored (6/9/960); place where the performance was intended (A Voz do Operário); and the censor's decision (Approved).

With regard to where the play was to be performed, there is a divergence: Wanted Woman was not performed at A Voz do Operário, but at Casa da Comédia.


© Torre do Tombo, Processos de Censura a Peças de Teatro series, sub-fund of the Directorate-General for Entertainment Services of the National Information Secretariat.