
 Sarah Affonso

   Sarah Affonso e o filho, grafite sobre papel, 1934 (desenho de Almada Negreiros, pormenor)



Sarah Sancha Affonso is born on the 13th of May in the parish of Beato, Lisbon.


Leaves with her family to Viana do Castelo. Attends the school Colégio de Nossa Senhora de Monserrate.



Signs her first drawing.

Returns to Lisbon with her family, where she attends the Fine Arts School. She finishes the Painting course in 1922, having been the last student of Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro.


Watches, at the Teatro de São Carlos, the ballets  A Princesa dos Sapatos de Ferro and O Jardim da Pierrete, in which Almada Negreiros actively collaborates.


Participates in the exhibition of the Fine Arts School students at the former convent of S. Francisco.


Shows at the Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes (SNBA - National Society of Fine Arts), in Lisbon.
Leaves for Paris where she stays for eight months. There, she attends live model classes at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière; sees performances, visits museums and exhibitions, contacting with artistic trends not known in Portugal. Spends time with Diogo de Macedo, Francisco Franco, Dordio Gomes and Abel Manta.
She sees for the first time the bust Mateo Hernández, the Spanish artist, sculpts of her. 


In January, participates in the I Salão de Outono, promoted by Eduardo Viana, at the SNBA.
Illustrates Mariazinha em África,a book by Fernanda de Castro.


In November,participates in the II Salão de Outono at the SNBA, organised by José Pacheko, director of the magazine Contemporânea.


From the 18th to the 30th of January, shows at the Salão Bobone, in Lisbon.
leaves once more for Paris. Parte novamente para Paris. Convive//Spends time with Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso’ widow and with Eduardo Viana, Robert and Sonia Delaunay.
In December shows the canvas Meninas at the Paris Salon d’Automne.
Illustrates S. João Subiu ao Trono, a book by Carlos Amaro.
Designs the cover of the magazine Presença, no. 14-15 (23rd of July). Collaborates with the magazine Civilização.


Returns to Lisbon.
From the 5th to the 15th of December, shows with José Tagarro at the Salão Bobone.
Illustrates Bonecos de Estampar, a book by Teresa Leitão de Barros.


In May, participates in the I Salão dos Independentes.


In May, participates in the II Salão dos Independentes.
Designs the cover of the magazine Presença no. 31-32 (March-June). Collaborates with the magazine Eva.


Participates in the salons of the magazine Ilustração Portuguesa, of the Salão de Inverno, the SNBA, and the show of the Salão d’O Século.
Illustrates the book O Tesouro da Casa Amarela, by Fernanda de Castro. Collaborates with the magazine Eva.


Participates in the exhibition at the Galeria UP. Collaborates with the magazine Eva.


On the 31st of march, marries the painter José de Almada Negreiros, with whom she will have two children. Collaborates with the magazine Eva.
In December,  José Afonso de Almada Negreiros,

her first child, is born.


Illustrates As Aventuras de Mariazinha, Vicente e Comp.ª, a book by Fernanda de Castro. Participates in the Exposição de Arte Moderna, at the SNBA.


Participates in the II Exposição de Arte Moderna, at the SNBA, the Exposição dos Artistas Independentes, at the Casa Quintão, and the Exposição Histórica da Ocupação no século XIX


The couple buys Quinta da Lameirinha, in Bicesse. 


Opens, on the 3rd of June, the exhibition at the studio of the Secretariado de Propaganda Nacional, in S. Pedro de Alcântara, Lisbon. 


Collaborates in the Exposição do Mundo Português. Participantes in the 5.ª Exposição de Arte Moderna do SNI


In June her daughter, Ana Paula Almada Negreiros, is born.


She is awarded the Prémio Souza-Cardoso for her painting Retrato do Filho.


Participantes in the IX Exposição de Arte Moderna, organised by the Secretariado de Propaganda Nacional. 


Collaborates with Almada in the execution of the frescoes of the Gare Marítima da Rocha do Conde de Óbidos. 


Designs the costumes for the premiere of Antes de Começar, a play by José de Almada Negreiros, at the Teatro-Estúdio do Salitre, directed by Fernando Amado, with the actors Maria Antónia Joyce (a Boneca) and António Manuel Couto Viana (o Boneco). 


In January the Exposição de Pintura de Sarah Affonso is held at the Galeria de Março, in Lisbon.The same year, some of her works are part of the Portuguese participation at the 2.ª Bienal do Museu de Arte Moderna de S. Paulo


In April, participates in the exhibition Móveis para Todos (Furniture for All) and Em louvor da Tesoura e do Dedal (In Praise of the Scissors and the Thimble), at the SNI, in Lisbon, showing artistic embroideries  made from her and Almada Negreiros’ original designs. 


Collaborates with illustrations for the magazine Menina e Moça


Illustrates the book A Menina do Mar, by Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen.

Her works As Quatro Estações and Sereia são are executed as tapestries by  Tapeçarias de Portalegre. 


In June, is part of the exhibition 15 Artistas Premiados pelo SNI com o Prémio Souza-Cardoso, organised by the Museu Municipal de Amarante and by the Municipality of Vila Real.
Illustrates the book Histórias que o Povo Conta, Contos, Romanceiro, Cancioneiro, Provérbios, Adivinhas, Problemas, Danças, Jogos, Orações, by Fernando de Castro Pires de Lima. 


From the 19th to the 31st of May, the Galeria Dominguez Alvarez, in Porto, shows a retrospective exhibition of the artist. With the works presented here the  Exposição Itinerante de Arte Moderna da Galeria Alvarez is inaugurated at the Museu de Amarante. 


In September, participates in the exhibition Arte Contemporânea / Colecção Particular, at the Museu Municipal de Albano Sardoeira, in Amarante. 


Participates in the exhibition Arte Portuguesa do Naturalismo aos Nossos Dias, in Brussels, Paris and Madrid. 


In June her husband, José de Almada Negreiros, dies. 


Illustrates O Crocodilo e o Passarinho, a book by Madalena Gomes.
Her daughter Ana Paula dies. 


In January, the exhibition Sarah Affonso takes place at the Junta de Turismo da Costa do Sol, in Estoril. 


In June, the exhibition Retratos de Sarah Affonso (1927-1947), takes place at the Junta de Turismo da Costa do Sol, in Estoril;in August both Retratos de Sarah Affonso (1927-1947) and  the exhibition Homenagem a Sarah Affonso, are shown at the Centro de Arte Contemporânea do Museu Soares dos Reis, in Porto. 


On the 10th of June is awarded the Order of Santiago de Espada by the then President of the Republic, General António Ramalho Eanes. 


Dies on the 14th of December in Lisbon.