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1891 |
February 28th - Born, at two o’clock in the afternoon, in Vila Franca do Campo. |
1910 |
March – The operetta Em Férias, written by Côrtes-Rodrigues in collaboration with Espínola de Mendonça is performed at the Teatro Micaelense. September – Departs for Lisbon, where he begins the Curso Superior de Letras at the University and where he meets António Cobeira, who introduces him to Pessoa as “vindo da Ilha de Antero” (coming from the island of Antero). |
1912 | August – Starts his column in the newspaper Autonómico, entitled “Notas sobre o Joelho, under the pen name Cesário Negro. |
1913 |
May – Publishes the poem “Sinfonia de Abertura” in the magazine Ocidente, where in December he will publish the poem “Murmúrios da Floresta – Siegfried – Wagner”. With the poem "Carta para Ela" Côrtes-Rodrigues figures in the index of Lusitânia, a project of a magazine that would have had Fernando Pessoa as Director, Mário de Sá-Carneiro as Secretary and Côrtes-Rodrigues as Editor. |
1914 | He also figures with the poem "Loucura da Floresta (Página Interseccionista)" in the the index of Europa, a magazine projected by Fernando Pessoa. |
1915 |
March – Collaborates in Orpheu 1, published on the 25th of this month, with five poems sent from S. Miguel. June – Collaborates in Orpheu 2 under the pen name Violante de Cysneiros. |
1916 |
January – Takes his Degree at the Curso Superior de Letras. April – The only issue of the magazine Exílio is published, where he participates with “Via Sacra”, an ensemble of poems May – The participation of Violante de Cysneiros in the newspaper O Autonómico of Vila Franca do Campo begins, ending in December of the same year. October - Begins his activity as a teacher at the Liceu Central de Ponta Delgada. |
1918 |
Joins, and becomes responsible for, the Núcleo Micaelense de Propaganda Integralista. Publishes articles in the press defending a “feição inteiramente açoriana” (an entirely Azorean character) for the movement. |
1920 |
February – Begins, with several articles, his collaboration in A Actualidade, a conservative catholic newspaper that is also antirepublican. |
1921 | October – Achieves tenure at the Liceu de Angra do Heroísmo |
1923 |
Publishes his first essay with an ethnographic nature, As Festas do Espírito Santo na Ilha de S. Miguel. |
1924 |
Publishes Em Louvor da Humildade – Poemas da Terra e dos Pobres. November – He is assigned to the Liceu Central de Antero de Quental, where he will remain until the end of his teaching career in 1960. |
1927 |
June 6th – Premiere of his play O Milhafre in Ponta Delgada at the Teatro Micaelense. June – Holds a conference entitled S. Francisco de Assis e a Poesia at the Teatro Micaelense |
1936 |
January 5th – His play Auto dos Pastores is performed at the Seminário de Angra do Heroísmo. |
1938 |
November 6th – Premiere, in Fall River (USA), of his play Quando o Mar Galgou a Terra. |
1940 |
February – The last issue of Presença is published and includes the sole collaboration of Côrtes-Rodrigues in this magazine. The second issue of Cadernos de Poesia, organised by Tomás Kim, José Blanc de Portugal and Ruy Cinatti, opens with three poems by Côrtes-Rodrigues. |
1942 |
Publication of Cantares da Noite, followed by Poemas de Orpheu. Holds the office of Vice-President of União Nacional - the regime’s political party - in the island of S. Miguel. |
1945 |
February – Joel Serrão publishes a book with the letters that Fernando Pessoa wrote to Côrtes-Rodrigues. |
1946 | January - Beginning of the correspondence with Cecília Meireles which would last eighteen years; the first letter is dated January 20th of 1946 and the last March 1964. |
1947 |
December - Castro Soromenho, a noted opponent of Salazar, interviews Côrtes-Rodrigues for the magazine Portucale, with the title “Encontro com um Poeta do Orpheu”. |
1953 |
May – With the festivities of Senhor Santo Cristo, the filming of Quando o Mar Galgou a Terra begins, directed and adapted by Henrique de Campos from Côrtes-Rodrigues’ play with the same title. Horto Fechado e outros poemas is published. |
1956 |
Antologia de Poemas by Armando Côrtes-Rodrigues is published, organized and with a preface by Eduíno de Jesus. |
1957 |
July – Performance, at the Teatro Micaelense, of Auto do Espírito Santo. |
1971 |
October 14th – Côrtes-Rodrigues dies in Ponta Delgada. |