
Almada Negreiros

      Auto-retrato, grafite sobre papel, 1926 (pormenor)


José Sobral de Almada Negreiros is born in S. Tomé on the 7th of April.


His mother dies. 


Sent to a Jessuit boarding school in Lisbon.


Participates in the I Salão dos Humoristas Portugueses. 


Participates in the II Salão dos Humoristas Portugueses and holds his first solo exhibition, of drawings, at the Escola Internacional de Lisboa.


Publishes his first poem, Silêncios, in Portugal Artístico 2.


Publishes the poem Frisos in Orpheu 1.
Writes A Cena do Ódio for Orpheu 3, an unpublished issue.


Publishes in leaflet form the Manifesto Anti-Dantas , the manifesto Exposição de Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso and the poem Litoral.


Publishes in leaflet form K4 O Quadrado Azul, in which Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso collaborates as a visual artist, and the novel A Engomadeira.

Organises, with Santa Rita Pintor, a Futuristic Conference at the Teatro República in Lisbon, where he recites the Ultimatum Futurista às Gerações Portuguesas do Século XX.
Publishes, in the sole number of the magazine Portugal Futurista, as well as the 1.ª Conferência Futurista, the poem Mima-Fataxa.Sinfonia Cosmopolita and Apologia do Triângulo Feminino, and also, in prose, Saltimbancos (Contrastes Simultâneos).
His interest in the S. Vicente polyptych begins to take shape.


Influenced by the performances of the Ballets Russes in Lisbon (1917 e 1918), he participates in the creation of ballets danced by amateurs and children: Lalá, Tareca, Zeca and Tatão, with whom he founds the "Club das Cinco Cores", Club of the Five Colours.
Choreographs the ballets A Princesa dos Sapatos de Ferro (in which he also dances)and O Jardim de Pierrette.


Lives in Paris. Maintains a close epistolary contact with the "Club das Cinco Cores".


Returning to Lisbon, he holds his third solo exhibition, in the Salão Nobre (Grand Hall) of the Teatro S. Carlos.
Throughout the 1920s he collaborates, with articles, short stories and drawings with the magazines ContemporâneaAthena and Presença, e newspapers such as Diário de Lisboa and Sempre Fixe.


Participates as actor in the film O Condenado. Holds, and publishes, the conference A Invenção do Dia Claro.


Begins his collaboration with the magazine Contemporânea with Histoire du Portugal par Coeur, dated Paris, 1919.


Publishes Pierrot e Arlequim.


Begins to write Nome de Guerra (published in 1938).
Paints Autorretrato num Grupo (shown at the I Salão de Outono) and Banhistas, for the Brasileira do Chiado.


Paints a Nu Feminino (shown at the II Salão de Outono) for the Bristol Club.

Holds, and publishes, the conference Modernismo.
Publishes A Questão dos Painéis.


Starts a five-year stay in Madrid, where he actively participates in the city’s literary and artistic scene.
Shows individually at the Unión Ibero-Americana where he holds the conference El Dibujo.
Collaborates frequently with Ramón Gómez de la Serna, illustrating this author’s books.


Writes Luís o Poeta Salva a Nado o Poema, published in the Diário de Lisboa on the 28th of December. 


Returns to Lisbon where he holds, and publishes, the conference Direcção Única. 


Holds the conferences Arte e Artistas and Embaixadores Desconhecidos and has his fifth solo exhibition, at the Galeria UP. 


Marries the painter Sarah Afonso, with whom he will have two children. 


Launches a magazine, Sudoeste, in which he is the only author of all the articles that comprise the first two issues, as well as of the poem As Quatro Manhãs published in the third issue.
Publishes an article dedicated to the memory of Fernando Pessoa, accompanied by a drawing, in Diário de Lisboa


Holds the conference Elogio da Ingenuidade ou as Desventuras da Esperteza Saloia. 


Publishes two poems in Diário de LisboaEncontro and A Torre de Marfim não é de Cristal. 


Publishes Nome de Guerra, a novel written in 1925. 

Holds, and publishes, the conference Desenhos Animados, Realidade Imaginada, about Walt Disney.
Finishes the stained glass windows of the Church of N. Sr.ª de Fátima.


Designs scenarios for the great Exposição do Mundo Português.
Completes the frescoes for the Diário de Notícias building, in Lisbon, and the Post Office building in Aveiro. 


Holds a solo exhibition, Trinta Anos de Desenho (1911-1941, sponsored by the Secretariado de Propaganda Nacional, 


Holds the conference Descobri a Personalidade de Homero.


Completes the frescoes of the Gare Marítima de Alcântara. 


Publishes Mito-Alegoria-Símbolo.


Completes the frescoes of the Gare Marítima da Rocha do Conde de Óbidos.
His play, Antes de Começar, has its premiere at the Teatro-Estúdio do Salitre (Lisboa), directed by Fernando Amado.


Gives an interview and delivers two lectures on Théleon e a Arte Abstracta, for the BBC microfones in London. Publishes A Chave Diz: Faltam Duas Tábuas e Meia de Pintura no Todo da Obra de Nuno Gonçalves.


Publishes the poema Presença in the magazine Bicórnio.
Holds a solo show in the Galeria de Março in Lisbon.


Finishes the tile panels and a stained glass window for the house in Rua de Alcolena, 28, in Lisbon, designed by the architect António Varela. Paints  Retrato de Fernando Pessoa à mesa do café com o Orpheu, for the Restaurante Irmãos Unidos, in Lisbon, a work he will paint a replica of in 1964, commissioned by the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.


Presents four abstract-geometric oil paintings at the I Salão da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.


Publishes the play Deseja-se Mulher, written in 1928.
Designs tapestry cartoons for the Ritz Hotel in Lisbon. 


Concludes the decorations for the façades of the buildings of the Faculdade de Direito, Faculdade de Letras, Reitoria and the Secretaria Geral da Universidade de Lisboa (University of Lisbon campus).


Holds, and publishes, the conference Poesia é Criação.


Directed by Fernando Amado, Deseja-se Mulher is performed at the Casa da Comédia.


Publishes Orpheu 1915-1965, an artist’s book with memories of the modernist group. Dssigns the sets and wardrobe for the play Auto da Alma, by Gil Vicente, at the Teatro de S. Carlos.


Concludes the frescoes of the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Coimbra.
Concludes the panel Começar at the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.


Dies on the 15th of June, in Lisbon.