Virtual Archive of the Orpheu Generation

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Virtual expos
2023-05-23 11:33:07
Almada in Batalha
Maquete para reconstiuição retabular (título atribuído)
Maquete para reconstiuição retabular (título atribuído)

Model of the altarpiece reconstitution

Almada Negreiros made several models of wood showing the proposed placement of the altarpiece’s paintings on the wall of the Founder’s Chapel. Some of these works reveal a care that attests to his dedication to the theme: in this case the author gilded the materials used in the maquette’s construction.




c. 1960

Wood, cork and metal

136 x 67 x 67 cm

Private collection | Photography ©António Coelho

video: Rafael Reigota

Almada in the Monastery of Batalha