Virtual Archive of the Orpheu Generation

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Virtual expos
2023-05-23 08:54:11
Almada in Batalha
Os quinze painéis da obra prima da pintura primitiva portuguesa
Os quinze painéis da obra prima da pintura primitiva portuguesa

The fifteen panels of the Portuguese primitive painting masterpiece.

This notebook, developed by Almada with particular graphic care, contains various geometrical studies related to the paintings of the National Museum of Ancient Art that are part of the imagined altarpiece. It presents a retrospective timeline regarding the various steps of his investigation up to 1960 and, in its beginning pages, also reveals a signed dedication to Amadeo de Souza Cardoso and Santa-Ritta Pintor.


Mixed media on paper and cardboard (50 x 34 cm)


Private collection | Photography ©António Coelho

video: Rafael Reigota

Almada in the Monastery of Batalha