[BNP/E3, 49B4 – 94]
But thy lulling tender motion
Doth no river’s tracking keep
Seems the murmur of an ocean
As it lulls the soul to sleep
Moaning, soothing, nightly music, voiceful, rising deep[1] on deep
Thy voice makes me seem to leave my lifeless lifeless[2] body behind
My mind into higher regions by itself. Seems a kind of sleep.
Music ceases; could I hope to hear it for e’er; slowly the harshness of the outer world strikes me.
These are unequalled moments when the soul may rise thus and speak not of your worldly pleasures; what of bliss!
And thy {…} enfolding
And the hands of pleasure[3] holding
With thy hands, and eyes with eyes.
Cicero Ellingson Ellinson
Again III.
- [a2b2 (a-b) + b2c2(b-c) + c2a2(c-a)]
= -(b-c)(c-a)(a-b){L(a2+b2+c2)+M(ab+bc+ca)
Equating coefficients of libre powers.
Coeffecients of a2c2. Coefficients = 00-i00
l l l l .∙. i = 0 Ellinson
Again coefficients of a2b3 = -I + M
.∙. M = -1 Q Cicero MTCicero
.∙. III = (b-c)(c-a)(a-b)(ab+bc+ca) Q.E.D.
Armadale Charles Robert Anon
Armadale De Amicitia
T t t De Amicitia D D t
t t t t t
Derb t t t t t t t
D t t t t t
t t t
Castle Castle Castle
P. Denton
Alexander Search
[1] rising deep /moving weirdly\
[2] lifeless /unfeeling\
[3] pleasure /fancy\