Virtual Archive of the Orpheu Generation

F. Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
BNP/E3, 48D – 18
BNP/E3, 48D – 18
Fernando Pessoa
[ANEXO] – [Planos de publicações com referência a Alexander Search]

[BNP/E3, 48D – 18][1]


Quaresma stories.


Begin with the small ones, and write five or six of them, then submit these as a series to “The Strand Magazine”, or to a Literary Agent capable of placing them there or elsewhere on the same level of class and payment.

Afterwards work on the longer stories, which the writing of the small ones will have been good preparation for.

“The Vargas Case” (and still more the Shakespeare book, if made on this – the Quaresma – basis) can follow in due course, and when there is quiet and time to write them.


Other stories.


The writing of the small Quaresma stories should be sufficient training for the writing of small stories of other types, of which there are several rough drafts, notes and preliminary sketches.




Make a careful choice of English poems and see to what extent they can be published in England or the United States.

Consider, no less, the possibility of publishing the strange (and imperfect) early and non-early poems under the name of Alexander Search or some like name.




This means, first, the two political pamphlets – Theory of Political Suffrage and the yet unnamed one dealing with Economic Politics. (But examine whether the latter is right in all ways.)

This means, second, such minor work – pamphlets or articles (for they may be both) – as the Oscar Wilde study volved from the Antonio Botto article, with a deliberate extension carrying the matter far deeper, the Eliezer Kamenezky study, converted into some sort of analysis of the social romanticism of the Jews, or, possibly a study of Spinosa, Marx, or some such Jew; the study on poetry, which is a development and completion of the L.P. study; and also such independent work as “Erostratus”.



[1] A Casais “†††††…”
Dados Físicos
Dados de produção
Dados de conservação
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Palavras chave
Documentação Associada
Ana Maria de Freitas, O Fio e o Labirinto: A Ficção Policial na Obra de Fernando Pessoa, Lisboa, Edições Colibri, 2016, pp. 217-218.