[BNP/E3, 2721O4 – 4]
M. ASINII ITINERA — Edited with Introduction and Notes By Professor {…} of Barcelona University.
Madrid, {…} 1905.
|In the month of January of the present year students of classical, or post-classical, texts were given a new and somewhat valuable manuscript, capably edited by a great Spanish classical Scholar, and published by a prominent firm of Madrid publishers. The manuscript, hitherto hidden and given to the worms in some little frequented part of a Madrid library, is the work, it is thought, of an ancient Iberian monk who in his younger days performed, or dreamed that he performed, the wonderful voyage he describes. We would have let the thin octavo bearing the honoured editorial name linger in the Spanish bookshops had we not seen it praised by great scholars of Spain and of Portugal. Indeed of the latter country Professor Tanso and Doctor Cenouras have heaped so much pain upon it that we were at once convinced of its merits.
I remain,
Dear Sir,
Sincerely Yours
Yours Sincerely CRAnon
Charles Robert Anon