Virtual Archive of the Orpheu Generation

F. Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
BNP/E3, 79 – 40
BNP/E3, 79 – 40
Fernando Pessoa
[ANEXO] – [Fragmento poético]

[BNP/E3, 79 – 40]


So warned to think of mankind and to dream

Of human god I pondered deep and long

|*Smiling full by| a theory that did seem

To vision imagining real and strong

With which to conquer {…} and wrong.

But that {…} sea of {…}

Reason awaking with a firm throng

Beat back and I {…}


I observed the given rule of anarchy

All free, all equal, all in brotherhood,

Then feeling in my reason’s misery

That such a state when not all flesh

Creeps and throbs I thought, till the {…} did flood

My mind, of socialistic doctrines {…}

But Science smiled at me and made the hood

The soul that recognizing




Science and {…} come to my soul


And then {…} I saw

Evil was all the world, that {…} has law






I learned to hate the tyranny and force

And that imperious, bind,

The {…} and the coarse;



I lay, – how I lay still! – for better things

But I have lost the faith that made me dream

The more thou {…} imaginings

I’ve fallen from the pedestal of dream

To find that hope’s rose a thorn contains

That of perceiving that it doth but seem

And is not, bitterest of {…} pains


Documento sem assinatura arquivado no Envelope 79 – «Alexander Search – Poesia – não datada».
Dados Físicos
Dados de produção
Dados de conservação
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Palavras chave
Documentação Associada
Fernando Pessoa, Poemas Ingleses, Tomo II – Poemas de Alexander Search, Edição de João Dionísio, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, 1997, pp. 280-281.