[BNP/E3, 78B – 64]
Priest and Hangman (Here or Death of God?)
= Preface. =
The Prison. (July 1907.)
✓ Beginning (March 1905). 26.
✓ Nirvâna. (1906). 28.
✓ The Unnatural and the strange. (1906) 24.
✓ The Curtain (26–8–07) 14.
✓ … (Exclusion from mankind). (16–10–07) 25
✓ Rage. (43–12–07) 23.
✓ Song of Dirt. (4–12–07) 18.
✓ The Temple (August 1907). 9.
✓ A glance (haunt apps). December 05 7.
✓ Doubt (who doubts most). 19/6/07 12
✓ Heart-music. December ’05 18.
✓ Epigram (I love my dreams). (1906.) 6.
✓ Comedy. (January. ’06) 24.
✓ Horror (October 17–1907). 49.
✓ The Lip. (2/1/08) 18
✓ The Picture (August 1907). 10.
Feast of Life.
Feast of Emptiness.
✓ In the street (I pass before windows) (12–11–07) 140.
A moment (suddenly middle of life a change)
Into the Night.
✓ The Giant’s Reply (7–1–08) 8.
✓ Regret (ag. a child) — (29–5–07) 32.
All things are symbols.
When I ponder on the world.
Soft gleam of the moon.
✓ The Circle (30–7–1907). 18.
The Stranger.
On a Hand.
✓ Soul — symbols (February 1906). 40
Analogies (?).
Obsession (Clown).
The Chocolate Box.
Mystery (open sea).
Mania of doubt.
The sleeper
Laughter (grave).
One Impure
Thou askest in perplexity
To a Prostitute.
I know not whether my mind is broken…
✓ To one playing (spirit stress). December ’05/ 12.
Aboulie (Who w. make the spirit’s real…).
Winter Day.
Woman in Black.
Night on the City.
✓ My life. (9–1–08). 128
✓ An Epitaph. July 07 54.
The Land of Dreams.
A Vision (poor at all doors).
✓ Prayer (That go mad!) (18–1–08) 73
✓ Sonnets: The apostle.
✓ Death in Life.
✓ Woe supreme.
✓ Adorned.
✓ Blind Eagle.
✓ Justice. 8.
✓ Solomon Waste.
Jemmy Jones.
Dirty Day.
✓ The Leper. (25–10–07) 66.
✓ The world offended (10–1–08) 19.
✓ A Question (wife and poems) (10–1–08) 18.
✓ A Crime (being born) 19(?)
He asked me.
Heart’s a pump.
✓ (Die and know oneself dead) (10–1–08) 12.