Virtual Archive of the Orpheu Generation

F. Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
BNP/E3, 78B – 64
BNP/E3, 78B – 64
Fernando Pessoa
[ANEXO] – Notes regarding the publication of poems

[BNP/E3, 78B – 64]


Priest and Hangman (Here or Death of God?)




= Preface. =

The Prison. (July 1907.)

✓ Beginning (March 1905). 26.

✓ Nirvâna. (1906). 28.

✓ The Unnatural and the strange. (1906) 24.

✓ The Curtain (26–8–07) 14.

✓ … (Exclusion from mankind). (16–10–07) 25

✓ Rage. (43–12–07) 23.

✓ Song of Dirt. (4–12–07) 18.


✓ The Temple (August 1907). 9.

✓ A glance (haunt apps). December 05 7.

✓ Doubt (who doubts most). 19/6/07 12

✓ Heart-music. December ’05 18.

✓ Epigram (I love my dreams). (1906.) 6.

✓ Comedy. (January. ’06) 24.

✓ Horror (October 17–1907). 49.

✓ The Lip. (2/1/08) 18

✓ The Picture (August 1907). 10.

Feast of Life.

Feast of Emptiness.

✓ In the street (I pass before windows) (12–11–07) 140.

A moment (suddenly middle of life a change)

Into the Night.

✓ The Giant’s Reply (7–1–08) 8.

✓ Regret (ag. a child) — (29–5–07) 32.

All things are symbols.

When I ponder on the world.

Soft gleam of the moon.

✓ The Circle (30–7–1907). 18.

The Stranger.

On a Hand.


✓ Soul — symbols (February 1906). 40

Analogies (?).

Obsession (Clown).

The Chocolate Box.

Mystery (open sea).

Mania of doubt.

The sleeper

Laughter (grave).

One Impure

Thou askest in perplexity

To a Prostitute.

I know not whether my mind is broken…

✓ To one playing (spirit stress). December ’05/ 12.


Aboulie (Who w. make the spirit’s real…).

Winter Day.

Woman in Black.

Night on the City.

✓ My life. (9–1–08). 128




✓ An Epitaph. July 07 54.

The Land of Dreams.

A Vision (poor at all doors).

✓ Prayer (That go mad!) (18–1–08) 73

Sonnets: The apostle.

✓ Death in Life.

✓ Woe supreme.

✓ Adorned.

Blind Eagle.

✓ Justice. 8.

✓ Solomon Waste.

Jemmy Jones.

Dirty Day.

✓ The Leper. (25–10–07) 66.

✓ The world offended (10–1–08) 19.

✓ A Question (wife and poems) (10–1–08) 18.

✓ A Crime (being born) 19(?)



He asked me.

Heart’s a pump.

✓ (Die and know oneself dead) (10–1–08) 12.


Documento sem assinatura arquivado no Envelope 78B – «Poemas de Alexander Search (sem data) (Trabalhado pelo Prof. G. Lind)».
Dados Físicos
Dados de produção
Dados de conservação
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Palavras chave
Documentação Associada
Fernando Pessoa, Poemas Ingleses, Tomo II – Poemas de Alexander Search, Edição de João Dionísio, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, 1997, pp. 220-221.