[BNP/E3, 78B – 17]
Winter Day -?-
With God and Christ all optimism is gone –
And the bleak soul finding itself alone
With a {…} shrinking consciousness
In the world’s void, in itself a distress
Must have the wildness and the {…} of will
Its eyes with the strong rays of truth to fill
Had recovering this: that the world is ill.
If God be gone and future life and that
Yearning for spiritual things whose secret
Might be none {…} transcendent of the world
And all that in it is {…}
If all that man writes, thinks, feels, knows and loves
Would be not where th’ body now {…} moves
And where the spirit lives forgetfulness –
If, earth dying, of human {…} distress
Are the songs that we made of his despair
Of Homer, Milton, {…} Shakespeare
If all be a perishable mote
What can remain to us but musing
If this all be so… But can it be?
Oh emptiness of empty horror full
Materialism that I cannot annul
Nor me, nor such, {…}
Let us not lie! If all that is must die
The world is a just crime but whose & why?
Ay, we need god, {…} Let us create a God
To curse a spirit upon.