[BNP/E3, 78A – 37]
Documents of Mental Decadence.
Pity? No!
Pity? No! I wish not pity.
That were but a bitterer scorn,
Disdain ruthlessly made witty
With a serious look to strain
Its awful joke. No; let me mourn
In peace. Pity me not again!
Pity? No! Let more scorn come,
More indifference, more disdain:
These are the conforts of my home.
To change their look to pity were too far
To make me feel a direr pain.
Pretend not good: it cannot be.
Let evils be all seem as they are.
To mask them were a mockery
Heartless and evilly rare.
Alexander Search
Aug. 6. 1908.