Virtual Archive of the Orpheu Generation

F. Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
BNP/E3, 78 – 92
BNP/E3, 78 – 92
Fernando Pessoa
[ANEXO] – Song of Dirt

[BNP/E3, 78 – 92]




     Come, let us speak of dirt!

     God's curse is on our head.

     Let our lips irreverence blurt!

We are sufferers all; let us, instead

Of prayer, offer God the sacrifice

Of our minds that he curst with crime and vice,

Of our frames that diseases make dread!


     Let us offer the tyrant of all,

To hang in the hall of his palace of pain,

             A funeral pall,

And a bride's white dress with a stain,

And a widow's weeds, and the crumpled sheets

             From the bed of the wife.

Let them be symbols of human strife!

Give we God the dirt of the streets

Of our spirit, made mud with our tears,

The dust of our joys, the mire of our fears,

             And the rot of our life!

Documento sem assinatura arquivado no Envelope 78 – «Poemas de Alexander Search (1906, 1907) (Trabalhado pelo Prof. G. Lind)».
Dados Físicos
Dados de produção
Dados de conservação
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Palavras chave
Documentação Associada
Fernando Pessoa, Poemas Ingleses, Tomo II – Poemas de Alexander Search, Edição de João Dionísio, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, 1997, p.106.