[BNP/E3, 77 – 53-55]
The Old Castle
1. An Invocation to Man
a) How great and how small.
b) How suffering and sad.
- This old Castle the haunt of men who suffered. Story of its inmates.
‘Tis the middle of summer, muddy calm
Silence is on the {…} Lusian land
A silence not the child of loveliness
But the mute child of peace for loneliness
Is not peace, but silent sufferance[1] of war.
Or its abeyance e’er it break again[2]
Earth’s silence when the storm is over her
Or silence ever to storm {…} to,
Beneath the calm face the wild heart with fear
May make it calm,[3] or the heart may be dead
But now it is a silence all of peace
Simple as a daisy and as tender and sweet
As the soft song of childhood, wonderous tales
Fantastic breathing for a fairy land.
Oh let us visit the old castle there
The old and void castle on the hill
Which seems more old than memory[4] ever, to-day
Even at this hour is the vertical light.
Where all is green and golden it is old
Even as the heart that loved and can but pine
The soul that but senseless, the born beast
That looks in life without eyes that would forget it
These thoughts made me not kind to the green trees
Nor to the silence at the heart of sounds
Quiet and of a solemn tenderness
Such is the {…} of mid-day can produce
In the warm sunlight of the Lusian land.
As we went
Up the steep hill by a secluded road,
A footpath leading from the world away,
The thought of how it led away and away
From the crust world, away from glance and look
Away e’en from the genial clasp of hands
Took me with pleasure, for I lay to dream
In lands that are all dreams, stricken at heart
(Fantastic lands!) With the disease of dreams,
Seeing but being not, coming and going
But leaving in the heart a wound[5] not fancied.
Lands I have dreamt on: cavern with isles
And Vegetations, Desolates, Lands
Where a perpetual sunset makes all art
A picture, all of Nature Deathless worms
Eternal eves, perennial nights; Strange shores
Branch of sweet rivers where for e’er a boat
Rests and so rests through the decay and death
Of thoughts of mine whose beat will not rest.
‘Tis for this reason that a picture will
Sometimes with sadness beyond human {…}
Plunge my soul into tears when it depicts
A scene in deep ideal beating wrapt
A melancholy scene and one appearing
The {…}
Then my soul pines for that reality
It is a thing that best makes eternal
For time and unremainingness and death
Though they have power upon the spirit’s looks
Yet on this spirits thinkings have no power
These thoughts within my soul the mid-day made
Yet by itself defected its own thoughts
For as I looked on it thought it appalled
The dim ideal {…} of my dreams
Ay, it appalled them, ever as the things
That are imperfect and perfect never
As a great greatness never ungreat.
Oh how imperfect were these leaves, these trees
That imperfect were!
In this art is the nature |*worn|
Nature is a thought, I guess, it is a thought
But art is the thought ever of a thought
‘Tis more than nature, more than everything.
All numbers equally are far from infinite.
Ay, so imperfect all! These trees, this light
These shadows and these groves, the nature’s fear
So firm below that it was silence
A picture hangs within my room
A picture of no value, small and old
And it contains an isle upon a lake
A little boat and on the whole there is
A moonlight of so sweet and sad a tone
That I pine for it, wandering {…}
[1] sufferance /fear\
[2] Or its abeyance e’er it break again /the calm hush when war strikes terror /hush when war makes terror\.\
[3] May make it calm, /That made it freed and calm.\
[4] memory /memory\
[5] wound /real wound\