Virtual Archive of the Orpheu Generation

F. Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
BNP/E3, 28 – 98v
BNP/E3, 28 – 98v
James Bodenham
James Bodenham – The Psychological Laws of Problem Solving

[BNP/E3, 28 – 98v]


The Psychological Laws of Problem Solving

By James Bodenham


This book is not a useless dictionary or semi-dictionary of phrases or puns to be used in hypothetical solution-cases. It is a study and exposition, conduced in the simplest language, of the |general| laws of underlying[1] the psychological processes by which solutions of problems are obtained, so that by a simple observance of them and training in their observance, the reader can render himself apt to become a competent problem solver.

Problems, as here the word is used, are of 3 kinds:

(1) Problems proper, containing a fixed solution to be found – such as pictures to be deciphered into one certain meaning.

(2) Skills contests, such as “Samples” Ballots, etc, which consist in drawing up phrases[2] 

(3) Half-chance contests – such as guessing who will win, lose or draw on a Certain nº of e.g. future turns to play on a certain date.


[1] |general| /mental\ laws of underlying /governing\

[2] (2) Skills contests, such as “Samples” Ballots, etc, which consist in drawing up phrases 

/(2) Those which depend on letters

    Those which depend on slogans

    Those which depend on sense.\
Dados Físicos
Dados de produção
Dados de conservação
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Palavras chave
Documentação Associada
Fernando Pessoa, Eu Sou uma Antologia – 136 autores fictícios, Edição de Jerónimo Pizarro e Patricio Ferrari, Tinta-da-China, 2013, pp. 372-373.