Virtual Archive of the Orpheu Generation

F. Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
BNP/E3, 138 – 85
BNP/E3, 138 – 85
Faustino Antunes
Faustino Antunes – [Carta]

[BNP/E3, 138 – 85r]


Letters for information as to character of myself:

  1. Registar (Essays) ← Self as mentally ill.
  2. Geerdts. Oxford (Lincoln College) ← giving self as dead.
  3. Belcher ← giving self as mentally ill.
  4. Dr. Haggar. – self as mentally ill.

     Signature Faustino Antunes.

Late Fernando Antonio Nogueira Pessôa who is thought to have committed suicide; at least he blew up a country-house in which he was, dying he and several other people. A |crime|(?) which caused great sensation in Portugal at the time (several months ago). I have been requested to inquire as far as is now possible, into his mental condition and, having heard, that the deceased was with you in the Durban High School, must beg you to write me stating frankly how he was considered among the boys[1] at the said institution. Write me an account as detailed as possible on this. What




opinion was held of him? intellectually? socially? etc. Did he seem or did he not seem capable of such an act as I have described?

I must ask you to keep, as far as possible, silence on this matter; it is, you understand, very delicate and very sad. Besides, it may have been (how I wish it may have been!) an accident, and in that case our hasty condemnation would itself be a crime. It is just my task, by inquiring into his mental condition to determine whether this catastrophe was a crime or a mere accident.

And early reply will very much oblige {…}



[1] the boys /his comrades\
Dados Físicos
Dados de produção
Dados de conservação
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Palavras chave
Documentação Associada
Teresa Rita Lopes, Pessoa por Conhecer, Vol. II, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1990, pp. 31-32.