Virtual Archive of the Orpheu Generation

F. Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
BNP/E3, 27-21L4 – 19
BNP/E3, 27-21L4 – 19
Dr. Gaudêncio Nabos
Dr. Gaudêncio Nabos – [Trecho sobre Dr. Gaudêncio Nabos]

[BNP/E3, 2721L4 – 19]


Globe Edition. (Macmillan). 3/6 each.

Burns. Complete Poetical Works and Letters (Ed. by Alex. Smith)

Chaucer. Works (Edited by A.W. Pollard, H.F. Heath, M.H. Lidell, W.S. M’Cormick).

Cowper. Poetical Works. (Ed. by Rev. W. Benham).

Dryden. Poetical Works (Ed. by W.D. Christie, M.A.).

Goldsmith. Miscellaneous Works (Prof. Masson).

Pope. Poetical Works (Prof. Ward).

Scott. Poetical Works (Prof. Palgrave).

Spencer. Complete Works (R. Morris and J.W. Hales).


Methuen’s Little Library. (2s.6d each).

English Poems of Richard Crashaw (Edward Hutton).

Kinglake’s “Eothen” (Intro. and Notes by?)

Barrow’s “Lavengro” (F. Hindes Groome). 2. Vols.

Beckford’s “Vathek” (E. Denison Ross).

Susan Lenier’s “Marriage” (Lord Iddesleigh and Miss S. Freer). 2 vols.

“Mausie Wauch” BY D.M. Moris (Ed. by T.F. Henderson).


Methuen (Miscellaneous) =

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam [Fitsgerald] (W. Commentary by H.M. Batson etc) – 1 vol – 6s. od.


But like a music hath no meaning. Oh

If I but knew the cause and end of things!




Gaudencio Nabos. Gaudencio Nabos. Gaudencio Nabos. Gaudencio Nabos.


The night had been terrible: an earthquake, a cyclone, thunder and lightning had conspired against the place of the citizens. The light of morning revealed sights wonderous, and sights visible, had they not been pathetic. The papers quoted innumerable cases of disasters and of wonderous migrations of flying humanity. My friend Dr. Nabos, not to leave the reports incomplete and to give me a full idea of the immensity of the storm, not only supplied additional particulars, but also made several moral reflections of the greater relevance.

Of many cases I could gather I shall quote but the most wonderful, since I hope, by exemplification, to give a better idea of the night than by description.

  1. “John Smith, a respectable citizen, †, member of the Wesleyan Church, coming from the latter at 8 o’clock at night was blown away with such violence that only on the following morning was he found and that (such had the storm been) in a half-dressed condition in the bed-room, on the boudoir, or whatever it is called, of the Mrs S. celebrated actress.” Daily paper
  2. “Edward Jones, not a |*torah| abstainer, was sitting in his dressing-room when the earthquake began. Full of horror he attempted to pass through the door into the privacy of his room; but the terrible motion of the earth caused such a tottering of the house that when Mr. Jones got to the wall, a window had shed into the usual place of the door and our worthy friend shot[1] into the street below.” Daily Paper. Dr. Nabos holds different views on the matter, these being founded on the fact that beneath and near the body of Jones were found splinters of thick glass.



[1] shot /stepped\
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