[BNP/E3, 2721L4 – 7]
“Unconventional? Unconventional? men and women who “abhor the conventions”, “who disdain costumes” in matters of morals, are startling conventional, are incapable of the slightly lack of unconventional in dress.
A man may be a creep to his wife, to his sister, to anyone, but he will keep his tie and his † in order.
Some are original in dress – unconventional. No, still conventional; this is, within certain conventional limits, a conventional unconvention in dress. That is startling kept.
Men of to-day are well-grounded assassins, thieves with good timber.
I have never worn a dress-suit, nor a {…} in my life. But is possible to wear though I am not an assassin not a thief, and if I have never committed rape.
The criminology of Lombroso and of others are incomplete: they seem to ignore that also the men who go to prison are those who do not go into society.
Lombroso has not studied the two bodies of men, those in prison and those in society. He had done wrong.
“Come to the window, Doctor, come and see {…}
(depth of start {…})
Lombroso {…} grows of hate and |*Lombroso|
Look at the men sitting on that bench. Look at their faces. What curious are these at † them {…}
– Ay and they cannot read!
– They cannot read? How on earth do you know that?
– By the bench is a board saying: wet paint.