[BNP/E3, 100 – 2r-3r]
Essay on Poetry
Written for the edification of would-be
By Professor Trochee.
When I consider the superabundance of young men and the great number of young women in the present century, when I survey the necessary and consequent profusion of reciprocal attachments, when I reflect upon the exuberance of poetical compositions emanating therefrom, when I bring my mind to bear upon the insanity and chaotic formation of these effusion, I readily convince myself that by writing an expository essay of the poetical art I shall be greatly contributing to the emolument of the public.
Having therefore carefully considered the best and most practical way in which to open such a relevant discussion, I have most wisely concluded that a straightforward statement of the rules {…}
[BNP/E3, 100 – 2v–3v]
And we did question and discuss and quote
Full with a fear made {…} with solitude
|we did pounder {…} boat|
That on the tranquil waters seemed to board
Yet with a motion full of solitude
And we recalled phantastic legends crude
And things with natural things unreconciled
Fantastic boats and isles {…} wild
Compass and needle, instrument
With an amuse saw l{…} place did mark
Before the rear’s interminable extent
Our crazy eyes and {…} were dark
The sky was cloudless and the {…} bark
Moves with a motion {…} to repose
The sea is quiet {…} no wind blows
Yet onward still and as the |sentient| vessel goes