Virtual Archive of the Orpheu Generation

F. Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
BNP/E3, 100 – 2r-3r
BNP/E3, 100 – 2r-3r
Professor Trochee
Professor Trochee - Essay on Poetry

[BNP/E3, 100 – 2r-3r]


Essay on Poetry

Written for the edification of would-be


By Professor Trochee.


When I consider the superabundance of young men and the great number of young women in the present century, when I survey the necessary and consequent profusion of reciprocal attachments, when I reflect upon the exuberance of poetical compositions emanating therefrom, when I bring my mind to bear upon the insanity and chaotic formation of these effusion, I readily convince myself that by writing an expository essay of the poetical art I shall be greatly contributing to the emolument of the public.

Having therefore carefully considered the best and most practical way in which to open such a relevant discussion, I have most wisely concluded that a straightforward statement of the rules {…}


[BNP/E3, 100 – 2v–3v]


And we did question and discuss and quote

Full with a fear made {…} with solitude

|we did pounder {…} boat|

That on the tranquil waters seemed to board

Yet with a motion full of solitude


And we recalled phantastic legends crude



And things with natural things unreconciled

Fantastic boats and isles {…} wild



Compass and needle, instrument

With an amuse saw l{…} place did mark

Before the rear’s interminable extent

Our crazy eyes and {…} were dark

The sky was cloudless and the {…} bark

Moves with a motion {…} to repose


The sea is quiet {…} no wind blows

Yet onward still and as the |sentient| vessel goes
Dados Físicos
Dados de produção
Dados de conservação
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Palavras chave
Documentação Associada
Fernando Pessoa, Ensaio sobre Poesia, Edição de Nuno Ribeiro, Lisboa, Apenas Livros, 2020, p. 50.