Virtual Archive of the Orpheu Generation

F. Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
BNP/E3, 153 – 8v
BNP/E3, 153 – 8v
David Merrick
David Merrick – Books to Come

[BNP/E3, 153 – 8v]


David Merrick

Books to Come.


“Sub Umbrâ (?)” (Book of Poems)  Must be ready on May 31st, 1904. To Consist wholly of short, pretty poems.


“Martin Kéravas” (A Novel).      Must be ready some time before June 30th, 1905. To plead for peace. Length, about from 120,000 to 150,000 words.


“Simple Tales” (Stories).        Must be ready on July 31st, 1904. Short and pathetic. From 5000 to 7000 words each. Number about 20 or more.


“Longer Tales” (Stories).        Must be ready by December 31st, 1904. 4 or 5 tales each 30000 words long. 1. “The Atheist”, 2. “The Philanthropist”, etc.


“Seared Leaves (?)” (Book of Plays). Must be ready by {…}

Plays: 1. “Marino, the Epicure”; 2. “The Savages”; 3. “Doctor {…}”; 4. “Ignez de Castro” ; 5. “{…}
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Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
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Documentação Associada
Teresa Rita Lopes, Pessoa por Conhecer, Vol. II, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1990, p. 173.