[BNP/E3, 13 – 22]
Catholic and protestant like a dog and a cat
Fighting for a milk-smear
Which they have whole-spilt in the fighting — what
Each has for creed the other breaks and tears
So of the entire Christian creed
But that’s so little I so very little shall say in haste
But in the sump it wouldn’t spoil the late.
As widely spread as are electric-belts
Not to speak of the maladies they cure
Or are believed to — those are spread yet more.
God wrote the book of Nature — luckless thought
’Tis like the work of the symbolic poets
By human minds to comprehend not know its
Meaning but we hope it is our lot and so it’s
I hate the people who smile a sneer at us
In whose soul and there is a 2nd sense
And just is on our guard — damn them just
Trouble conventions {…}
May 22nd
Molière: L’étourdi
Attention should be paid
Yours very truly
Charles Robert Anon.
A Dream of
Yours very truly
Charles Robert Anon.
The Cries of States
Charles Robert Anon.