[BNP/E3, 13 – 21]
Oh for the square of a, the cube of b
When they were yet mysterious and inhuman!
Oh for the dry triangle ABC
Accenting our mind with power superhuman!
Oh and alas for trigonometry
Which I could never understand. I know you, man,
How many a man would give wealth and fortune
For Euclid’s 47th proposition?!
To go back to the 3th{…}
Paris assassin, oh, Paris mundane!
How far seen you in time! How far away
My youth therefore it is not far, but it is gone.
Seraphines and angels much made
To draw the cries on earth.
Charles Robert Anon.
Greek Poetry.
Alcaeus – Ed. Matthias. (Leip.). 1/6.
Alcman – Ed. Welcker. (Giess.) -3/-.
Anacreon, Sappho,
Erinna. Ed. Mochnis. (Goth.) -2/6-
portentous portentous
Yours very truly
Charles Robert Anon
Your letter arrived there too late. I received it not here
the thereto
conducive thereto
conducive thereto
4 = 4 4 = 0
5 5 ∞
4 = 1
4 = 1 1/3
4 = 2
4 = 4
4 = ∞