Arquivo virtual da Geração de Orpheu

Almada Negreiros e Sarah Affonso

O Arquivo Virtual começou a ser constituído por dois espólios importantes: o de Almada Negreiros (1893-1970), multifacetado escritor e artista plástico, e de Sarah Affonso (1899-1983), sua mulher, figura marcante da pintura modernista. O seu espólio conjunto inclui manuscritos literários, fotografias, cartas, documentos e obras plásticas, e está hoje em depósito no Centro de Estudos e Documentação Almada Negreiros Sarah Affonso (CEDANSA - NOVA FCSH).


F. Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
BNP/E3, 25 – 56
BNP/E3, 25 – 56
Charles Robert Anon
Charles Robert Anon – [Apontamentos filosóficos]

[BNP/E3, 25 – 56]


Time and space are ideas and ideas cannot be external to that which forms them and which alone can form them. (Therefore Enigma of world’s eternity insoluble.)


The fundamental condition of all consciousness is the antithesis of subject and of object.



The fundamental condition of all cause is the synthesis, nay, the identity of subject and of object.

C. R. Anon


So indeed Spencer asserts, saying that the identity of Subject and of Object is the annihilation of both.


The bad belong necessarily to the whole of the universe which is perfect; because this whole demanded that all possible beings, all possible degrees, should be produced.


St. Augustine – De Libero Arbitrio

I.14. II, 1-19-20.

III. 9. lib 3, Qu 41.




Philosophy of the Fathers.

Tennemann (Cousin)

Vol. I. pages 307 (and 317) — 322, generally. Particularly to p. 330.


Campanella. Tenneman II. 63.


Spinoza. Here at last the genius appears, true genius, having that which Descartes had but the fearlessness of power and the lack of respect for the established. Honour to the master — thinker who, prosecuted, hated, accurst, stood by truth, lived for truth, suffered for the sake of truth!
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Dados de conservação
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
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Documentação Associada
Fernando Pessoa, Textos Filosóficos, Vol. II, Estabelecidos e prefaciados por António de Pina Coelho, Lisboa, Ática, 1968, pp. 203-204.