Arquivo virtual da Geração de Orpheu

Almada Negreiros e Sarah Affonso

O Arquivo Virtual começou a ser constituído por dois espólios importantes: o de Almada Negreiros (1893-1970), multifacetado escritor e artista plástico, e de Sarah Affonso (1899-1983), sua mulher, figura marcante da pintura modernista. O seu espólio conjunto inclui manuscritos literários, fotografias, cartas, documentos e obras plásticas, e está hoje em depósito no Centro de Estudos e Documentação Almada Negreiros Sarah Affonso (CEDANSA - NOVA FCSH).


F. Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
BNP/E3, 78 – 14-15
BNP/E3, 78 – 14-15
Alexander Search
Alexander Search – Comedy

[BNP/E3, 78 – 14-15]







Once in a theatre comic

’Tween acts I pondered to see

On a column sculptured, wide and comic,

The grinning mask of Comedy;

And broad and wild in satyr-glee,

The grinning face of Comedy.



“Ah,” said I, “face merry and comic,

There is happiness in thee,

Few faces like thine, wide-mouth'd and comic,

Oh, grinning face of Comedy;

Boisterously wrinkled, ugly and free,

The grinning mask of Comedy.”



But as I gazed at the face that smiled,

With mine eyes half-dreamfully,

“Ah,” said I, “it is forced and wild,

Untrue smile of pitiless glee;

Forcedly wrinkled, unreal, unfree,

Hard-grinning mask of Comedy.”




Comedy – 2.



And I trembled — now it no longer smiled,

It had forcedly smiled — now not even so.

Oh, fearful face, terribly wild,

Terribly silent face or woe;

Worn, hysterical, mad, unfree,

Woe-twisted face of Comedy.


Alexander Search.


January 1906.
Dados Físicos
Dados de produção
January 1906
Dados de conservação
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Palavras chave
Documentação Associada
Teresa Rita Lopes (coord.), Pessoa Inédito Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 1993, pp. 183-184.