Arquivo virtual da Geração de Orpheu

Almada Negreiros e Sarah Affonso

O Arquivo Virtual começou a ser constituído por dois espólios importantes: o de Almada Negreiros (1893-1970), multifacetado escritor e artista plástico, e de Sarah Affonso (1899-1983), sua mulher, figura marcante da pintura modernista. O seu espólio conjunto inclui manuscritos literários, fotografias, cartas, documentos e obras plásticas, e está hoje em depósito no Centro de Estudos e Documentação Almada Negreiros Sarah Affonso (CEDANSA - NOVA FCSH).


F. Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
BNP/E3, 77 – 76-77
BNP/E3, 77 – 76-77
Alexander Search
Alexander Search – Beginning

[BNP/E3, 77 – 76-77]






X Darkness and storm outside make inward gloom,

X Quiet and home within and useless pain

  Weigh down upon me as a wasted life,

X     Save where from the vile[1] tomb

X Of day there comes a semblance of a strife

  Through the blown varying of the pallid rain.


X (The mansion’s form on thunder-hustings shake)

X A blankly‑smiling day informs our eyne,[2]

X And there is here a ghastness and a gale

       That make |the[3] frail form| quake;

  And strange to me who think all things must quail,

  A voice is raised in joy ­- alas! not mine.


  Why cannot youth be joyous, full of love?

  Why am I made the corpse that woes and fears

  And problems grim and world‑enigmas dire

       Should like a body wove

  |Close to my nature, in which is a fire

  The feverous source of lying pains and tears?|




Beginning – 2.


X Blow hard, thou wind; look pale, thou awful day!

  Ye cannot in your dread and horror match

  The thing that I bear in me and is me,

       These idle thoughts that stray

  Subordinate to the deep agony

  Of him who hears the gate of reason's latch

  Fall with a sound of termination,

  As of a thing locked past and for e'er done.


Alexander Search.


March 1905.



[1] vile /pale\

[2] X (The mansion’s form on thunder-hustings shake) /Before the thunder shall the mansion shake\

X A blankly‑smiling day informs our /the\ /my\ eyne,

[3] the /my\
Dados Físicos
Dados de produção
March 1905
Dados de conservação
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Palavras chave
Documentação Associada
Georg Rudolf Lind, “Die englische Jugenddichtung Fernando Pessoas”, in Aufsatze zur Portugiesischen Kulturgeschichte, 6 Band, Münster, 1966, p. 146.