Arquivo virtual da Geração de Orpheu

Almada Negreiros e Sarah Affonso

O Arquivo Virtual começou a ser constituído por dois espólios importantes: o de Almada Negreiros (1893-1970), multifacetado escritor e artista plástico, e de Sarah Affonso (1899-1983), sua mulher, figura marcante da pintura modernista. O seu espólio conjunto inclui manuscritos literários, fotografias, cartas, documentos e obras plásticas, e está hoje em depósito no Centro de Estudos e Documentação Almada Negreiros Sarah Affonso (CEDANSA - NOVA FCSH).


F. Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
BNP/E3, 13A – 40
BNP/E3, 13A – 40
Fernando Pessoa
[Anexo] – “I saw the little children…”

[BNP/E3, 13A – 40]


I saw the little children…

A hatred of institutions, of conventions kindled my soul with its fire. A hatred of priests and kings rose in me like a flooded stream. I had been a Christian, warm, fervent, sincere; my emotional, sensitive nature demanded food for its hunger, fuel for its fire. But when I looked upon these men and women, suffering and wicked, I saw how little they deserved the curse of a further hell. What greater hell than this life? What grater curse than living? “This free-will,” I cried to myself, “this also is a convention and a falsehood invented by men that they might punish and




slay and torture, with the hard “justice”, which is a nickname of crime. (Which is a hallowed crime). “Judge not”, the Bible has it – the Bible, “judge not that ye may not be judged!”

When I had been a Christ I had thought men responsible for the ill they did – I hated tyrants, I cursed kings and priests. When I had shaken off the immoral, the false influence of the philosophy of Christ, I hated tyranny, kinghood, priestdoom – evil in itself. Kings and priests is pitier because they were men {…}


Documento sem assinatura arquivado no Envelope 13A – «Charles Robert Anon – Prosa».
Dados Físicos
Dados de produção
Dados de conservação
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Palavras chave
Documentação Associada
Teresa Rita Lopes (coord.), Pessoa Inédito, Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 1993, p. 162.