Arquivo virtual da Geração de Orpheu

Almada Negreiros e Sarah Affonso

O Arquivo Virtual começou a ser constituído por dois espólios importantes: o de Almada Negreiros (1893-1970), multifacetado escritor e artista plástico, e de Sarah Affonso (1899-1983), sua mulher, figura marcante da pintura modernista. O seu espólio conjunto inclui manuscritos literários, fotografias, cartas, documentos e obras plásticas, e está hoje em depósito no Centro de Estudos e Documentação Almada Negreiros Sarah Affonso (CEDANSA - NOVA FCSH).


F. Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
BNP/E3, 13 – 1
BNP/E3, 13 – 1
Charles Robert Anon
Charles Robert Anon – The Fall of the Titan

[BNP/E3, 13 – 1]


The Fall of the Titan.


From night’s great womb with pain the horrid morn has broke,

Far o’er the throbbing earth the clattering thunders roar;[1]

The Titan wakes at last, his front begrimed with gore,

His brutal grasp abrupt uproots the ruggèd oak.[2]


In mortal throes he raves, and with his stertorous croak

The birds are struck, the streams with terror dried, the shore

Caves into sea, mounts break down to their torrid core,

The tottering crags are rent, is rent the clouds’ grey cloak. …[3]


The lightning shrinks, the Seas in roaring clangor splash;

The giant sways, and now, with sudden thunderous crash,

Falls, and the thronèd stars from glittering seats are torn. …


He fell; the startled earth, with frantic fury stung,

Split, burst, and broke; the air with rankling curses rung —

But in the sky the sun still smilèd as in scorn! …[4]


Charles Robert Anon.


April 1904.  Sun, lightning, &c all at same time



[1] Heavy line  From night’s great womb with pain the horrid morn has broke,

Sound of thunder(?)  Far o’er the throbbing earth the clattering thunders roar;/does not sound near\

[2] Harsh line   His brutal grasp abrupt uproots the ruggèd oak

[3] Echoing line “Str”   The birds are struck, the streams with terror dried, the shore

Emphatic break   Caves into sea, mounts break down to their torrid core,

Echo ‘rent   The tottering crags are rent, is rent the clouds’ grey cloak. …

[4] Crescendo (?)   Split, burst, and broke; the air with rankling curses rung —

Very soft line →   But in the sky the sun still smilèd as in scorn! …
Dados Físicos
Dados de produção
April 1904
Dados de conservação
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Palavras chave
Documentação Associada
Fernando Pessoa, Poemas Ingleses, Tomo II – Poemas de Alexander Search, Edição de João Dionísio, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, 1997, pp. 421-423 (em aparato genético).