
Virtual expos

Press clipping
Press clipping

Advertisement for the play Wanted Woman, to be premiered at the Casa da Comédia on 26 November 1963, directed by Fernando Amado.

It is worth noting the last paragraph of the press release, which refers to Almada's position on the staging process: The artist, however, believes that his intervention should not disturb the work being done at the Casa da Comédia. This is because he considers his play to be a 'workshop' work, capable of the most daring interpretations in terms of staging. That's why Almada Negreiros first wants to see his play 'live', to learn something from the work of those who put it together, and then to compare what he intended to do with what was actually done on the stage of the Casa da Comédia's small theatre.


Press cutting: "Almada Negreiros is the author of the play Wanted Woman, to be staged at Casa da Comédia"

Diário de Lisboa, Ano 43, Nº 14705, 21 de Novembro de 1963, p. 3.