Fernando Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
F. Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
BNP/E3, 78 – 51-52
BNP/E3, 78 – 51-52
Alexander Search
Alexander Search – The Story of Solomon Waste

[BNP/E3, 78 – 51-52]




The Story of Solomon Waste.


This is all the story of Solomon Waste.


Always hurrying yet never in haste,

He fussed and worked and toiled all frothing

And at the end of all did nothing.

This is all the story of Solomon Waste.


He lived in wishing and in striving,

And nothing came of all his living;

He worked and toiled in pain and sweat,

And nothing came out of all that.

This is all the story of Solomon Waste.


He thought much and had no conviction,

His feeling was at best affliction

Though tender he and hating evil

He might have gained the name of devil.

His every wish and resolution

Even in his mind was but confusion.

This is all the story of Solomon Waste.


And things begun and never ended,




Solomon Waste: 2:


And much undone and much intended,

And all things wrong yet never mended:

This is all the story of Solomon Waste.


Each day new projects did betray,

Yet each day was like every day.

He was born and died and between these

He worried himself himself to tease.

He bustled, worried, moved and cried

But in his life no more's descried

Than two clear facts: he lived and died.

This is all the story of Solomon Waste.


Alexander Search.


August 11th. 1907.


Dados Físicos
Dados de produção
August 11th. 1907
Dados de conservação
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Palavras chave
Documentação Associada
Publicação Parcial: Georg Rudolf Lind, “Die englische Jugenddichtung Fernando Pessoas”, in Aufsatze zur Portugiesischen Kulturgeschichte, 6 Band, Münster, 1966, pp. 143-144.
Publicação integral: Fernando Pessoa, Poesia Inglesa, Organização, tradução e notas de Luísa Freire, Prefácio de Teresa Rita Lopes, Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 1995, p. 106.