[BNP/E3, 78 – 43]
The Apostle.
The preacher said: “My task, it is to take
To men the mystic balsam of a creed,
And in their hearts lust-taken to awake
A fervour above life and above need.
My work is to outcast the very greed
For beauty, and the chains of love to break,
And the whole field of youth and joy to rake
Clear for the sowing of mine holy seed.
I go to preach a doctrine sweet and sad
Of sacrifice and of benevolence;
I turn my back on life and local bliss.
But e'er I go ‑ oh, God, can I be mad?[1] -
Would I could take to that cold life intense
The soul-perturbing memory of a kiss!”
Alexander Search.
19th June 1907.
[1] go ‑ oh, God, can I be mad? /purpose void and mad!\