Arquivo virtual da Geração de Orpheu

Fernando Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
F. Pessoa - Heterónimos ingleses
BNP/E3, 92P – 35
BNP/E3, 92P – 35
Charles James Search e outros Search
Charles James Search, Catherine Search, Alexander Search, Augustus Search – [Assinaturas]

[BNP/E3, 92P – 35][1]


Part II.

Chapter I.

Charles Search


We have followed the Portuguese monarchy till its entire rottenness when Franco is called up to power. We have traced the various currents of degeneration that had brought it and the people to the state in question. We have shown that the monarchy in Portugal had now reached the ultimate period of its reaction, when, rotten and corrupt, it was forced to attack the republicans, to defend its worthless existence. And, finally, we have analysed the character of the man who at this moment was called to power, showing how terribly he was fitted for the last statesman, or one of the last, of a corrupt and incapable system, how he condensed in himself all its intolerant evils.

Given the conditions of the events, given the character of France, it is




no difficult matter to determine what was likely to follow and indeed did follow {…}



Augustus Charles Berkeley is a creature of bad instincts.


My brother is at present in Spain and is therefore unable early to reply to your letter of the {…} inst. He will be back in a few days, when I will give it him immediately

     Very faithfully

     Charles Search.

Charles Search  Catherine Search

Alexander Search.


Charles Arthur


Messrs. Sprigg. Pedrick and Co Ltd



Augustus Search



[1] Mantivemos o original riscado que apresenta a assinatura de «Charles Search».
Dados Físicos
Dados de produção
Dados de conservação
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Palavras chave
Documentação Associada
Publicação parcial: Fernando Pessoa, Eu Sou uma Antologia – 136 autores fictícios, Edição de Jerónimo Pizarro e Patricio Ferrari, Lisboa, Tinta-da-China, 2013, pp. 288-289.